Saturday, March 27, 2010

#06 - birth of

Weeks 3&4 were mainly getting into the winning concept pitches selected by Josh and the other judges. Out of the all the concepts I decided to join Marc's pitch, it was about a monkey learning some dance moves. I guess the main thing that attracted me to this concept pitch was the amount of rendering skills put to the characters. (however, later on we found out that they were Referenced pictures..LOL. plan fail.)

Anyways, we got together came in on the weekends and did our Project plan. We were to each bring some ideas for the company name, so when we got there would could just select one out of the list. Douglas came with "2mrd", "mmrd" and a few others. I thought that "monkey studios" might've been okays, but we all decided that "2mrd" sounded the best. Douglas and I finished off the timeline.

During one of Sustainable Communities lectures, I saw Michael do some brainstorming on what the logo could look like. So I did some sketches and came up with 2 main ones, through some development. After showing the group at the dmiii tutorial after the lecture, they all agreed on of the designs and michael set of to play around with photoshop and did some nice effects and improved on my sketches.

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