Saturday, April 10, 2010
#08 - Environment settings
The jungle scene would be something like this one.
And this would be where the main character runs off to. (where the penguin guru lives.)
The grass in the scenes would be animated like the tutorial which we had on the fire. But we need to develop this scene a bit more because at the moment Michael and I think its a little bit weird.
#07 - The development of characters
Michael started with off the character sketches, so we can use them to base our flash drawings on.
After importing it into flash and locking it as a background I proceded to using the brush tool to draw it out and the results were:
Saturday, March 27, 2010
#06 - birth of
Weeks 3&4 were mainly getting into the winning concept pitches selected by Josh and the other judges. Out of the all the concepts I decided to join Marc's pitch, it was about a monkey learning some dance moves. I guess the main thing that attracted me to this concept pitch was the amount of rendering skills put to the characters. (however, later on we found out that they were Referenced pictures..LOL. plan fail.)
Anyways, we got together came in on the weekends and did our Project plan. We were to each bring some ideas for the company name, so when we got there would could just select one out of the list. Douglas came with "2mrd", "mmrd" and a few others. I thought that "monkey studios" might've been okays, but we all decided that "2mrd" sounded the best. Douglas and I finished off the timeline.
During one of Sustainable Communities lectures, I saw Michael do some brainstorming on what the logo could look like. So I did some sketches and came up with 2 main ones, through some development. After showing the group at the dmiii tutorial after the lecture, they all agreed on of the designs and michael set of to play around with photoshop and did some nice effects and improved on my sketches.
#05 - CATCH~! Its my Concept.^^
One thing I developed when using flash was how to use the weight of the brush tool (shortcut = b), the thinner the lines the more crisp and clean the drawings would look, I discovered that a bit later on in the drawing.. after I have done all of my story board and started onto my characters.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
#04 - Kazier
We had an check up on our idea for the concept pitch. At the start I was thinking bout doing an animation which included the following picture, however I couldn't think up of a storyline to go with it. During a 2 hour lecture I saw an itouch application game, called Mr. space, its a pretty fun intense game (character moves left and right, and you have to run to certain spots that has gaps in the ceiling when the ceiling come crushing down. Also the interval between each escape gets shorter and shorts so it tests your reaction time). It then hit me that I could use this as a concept pitch for my animation, and editing the game a bit to create a funny storyline.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
#02 - Function keys
F5 - insert blank frame (keeps the object to that frame with no animation)
F6 - insert key frame (animations the object to that location)
F7 - insert blank
F8 - create symbol, graphic, movie clip
F9 - actionscript
#01 – Initiating flash with balls
After week 1 of the Digital Media III, Narratives in Animation, it has made me realise the wide range of possibilities that the program can create and do. Ranging from life like characters, to simple cut out characters like South Park. During our first studio session, we learnt the basic design settings when using flash, which buttons did what and how to set the screen layout to a certain consistent size.
The balls initiation was an interesting one, how to make the balls projectile motion become more life like, become more real. Lots of techniques were used to help achieve this motion, first starting off making parabola shapes for the path of motion for the ball, then followed on to duplicating this parabola to make the ball bounce multiple times. Setting these parabola shapes to form a guide for the ball, and making a classic tween between each frame to blend the motion.
---*my flash file stuffed up at this point so had to re-do my ball file*---
Then moving each key frame around to make the bounce time suit the projectile path, and then lastly easing the balls movement into the motion and then out of the motion, since the acceleration speed of the ball varies differently at each point of the path.
Ps: Graphic Tablet is awesome.
("Ball" word count for the post = 9)